Yeah.... I know. Sure looks like a real cigar, though, right? Movie magic.... Cardboard and a little red aluminum foil! This is Capt. Mitchell of the Union Army, April, 1865, in Claude D. Miles' "Paradise". Check it out on Internet Movie Database: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1825913/combined
I had a great two weeks down in Florida working the Veterans Administration program, along with some fantastic actors, clinicians, and administrators. We worked a week in Miami, I flew home for Father's Day, and then was back to Tampa for another week. There was a bonus in Tampa, too, because my Mom and brother live there--I got to hang out with them.
Getting geared up for my role as POTUS (President of the United States) in William Lee's "Architect of Chaos", shooting of which starts this month, as does "Sometimes She Bites", Lee Zellar's newest film venture. Both are being shot in Ohio, which for the last few days has been hotter than it has down south... these 100+ degree days are rough, I'll tell ya!
Fright Night/Fan Fest in Louisville was a huge success last weekend, or so they tell me. Unfortunately I was unable to get up there this year. It is one of the largest "Cons" (Conventions for those of your not familiar with the slang) in the Midwest/South. Swimming Pools.... Movie Stars.... Monsters..... .
Big News for ZP International Pictures..... A new release of some of ZP's most popular films, including "Bunker of Blood", in which I appear as General Titus, will be showing up on retailer's shelves later this summer, including your local Wal-Mart. They will be packaged in a bundle of DVD's for one low price--a GREAT BARGAIN!! I'll post more about this as the release date gets closer!
I'm excited about getting back to work in the VA program later this summer. The next workshop will be in Montana, and that's one place I've never been before, and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing some Big Sky!
Time to start the big Independence Day holiday..... And, as always, let's remember those who have served our country to preserve our Liberty--especially those who have paid the ultimate price!
Til Next Time!
I had a great two weeks down in Florida working the Veterans Administration program, along with some fantastic actors, clinicians, and administrators. We worked a week in Miami, I flew home for Father's Day, and then was back to Tampa for another week. There was a bonus in Tampa, too, because my Mom and brother live there--I got to hang out with them.
Getting geared up for my role as POTUS (President of the United States) in William Lee's "Architect of Chaos", shooting of which starts this month, as does "Sometimes She Bites", Lee Zellar's newest film venture. Both are being shot in Ohio, which for the last few days has been hotter than it has down south... these 100+ degree days are rough, I'll tell ya!
Fright Night/Fan Fest in Louisville was a huge success last weekend, or so they tell me. Unfortunately I was unable to get up there this year. It is one of the largest "Cons" (Conventions for those of your not familiar with the slang) in the Midwest/South. Swimming Pools.... Movie Stars.... Monsters..... .
Big News for ZP International Pictures..... A new release of some of ZP's most popular films, including "Bunker of Blood", in which I appear as General Titus, will be showing up on retailer's shelves later this summer, including your local Wal-Mart. They will be packaged in a bundle of DVD's for one low price--a GREAT BARGAIN!! I'll post more about this as the release date gets closer!
I'm excited about getting back to work in the VA program later this summer. The next workshop will be in Montana, and that's one place I've never been before, and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing some Big Sky!
Time to start the big Independence Day holiday..... And, as always, let's remember those who have served our country to preserve our Liberty--especially those who have paid the ultimate price!
Til Next Time!